Build your own SDR

Build your own SDR

Side Kick's customizable Workflows bring intent, automations and AI into all your growth efforts. So your human team members can focus on giving more headspace to each opportunity.

End to End Automation

End to End Automation

Finding Accounts

Use intent to extract ICP accounts from LinkedIn, Apollo, scrape conference attendees, Google Maps, Indeed, Crunchbase and any other data source.

Finding Leads

Run one (or more) real time lead searches on every target company using any data tool including Sales Navigator. Use GPT to remove unwanted leads. Find warm intros via investors & alumni networks.


Enrich accounts for team size, growth rates, keywords, technology installs. Enrich leads for valid emails, phone numbers. Deduplicate and add leads, accounts, tasks to any CRM.


Leverage GPT to personalise messaging. Integrate your tech stack. Auto enrol into email sequences. Automate LinkedIn outreach and engagement. Create calling tasks for sales reps.

The Side Kick Platform

The Side Kick Platform

Initial Setup

In two weeks, we streamline your tech stack with integrations for seamless data flow between CRM, sequencers, dialers, data tools, Slack/Teams and Sidekick. We also conceptualise and customise the first set of your workflows.

Automation Pod

All Side Kick customers get access to a dedicated team of 3 - Account Manager, Sales Ops and Content professional. The Pod is responsible to work with you and customize and optimize your Workflows.

200+ Workflows

200+ pre-fabricated workflows can be quickly customised by your Automation Pod. New workflows can be built at no additional cost.

Workflow Snapshot

Align Marketing and Sales

  • Integrate with marketing efforts

  • Qualify engaged companies

  • Find all relevant leads

  • Enrich for email and phone

  • Deduplicate and upload to CRM

  • Create calling tasks for SDRs

  • Create LinkedIn tasks for SDRs

  • Track LinkedIn posts for SDR comments

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US GTM to Drive 10 Meetings

  • Identify US accounts using intent

  • Identify decision makers

  • Run LinkedIn ads for 2 weeks

  • Send personalised email sequence

  • Track LinkedIn posts of leads

  • Establish post relevance using GPT

  • Push relevant posts to Slack/Teams

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ABM Tracking - Accounts and Leads

  • Track all ABM accounts for news

  • Track relevant job posts

  • Track new hires and exits

  • Track team growth rates

  • Track negative reviews

  • Track LinkedIn posts of leads

  • Establish update relevance using GPT

  • Push relevant updates to Slack/Teams

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Targeting Local Businesses

  • Extract relevant businesses on Google Maps

  • FIlter based on website, reviews, locations

  • Identify info/contact email on website

  • Identify deicsion makers and email

  • Automate Instagram engagement

  • Repeat Workflow every 30 days

  • Identify newly opened businesses & engage

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Extract Intent from Job Posts

  • Visit an Indeed job search daily

  • Find the company's LinkedIn

  • Filter for industry + size

  • Find decision makers on ZoomInfo

  • Enrich for valid emails

  • Use job post + GPT to personalise

  • Enrol into an email sequence

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Target Current Customers for Job Changes

  • Integrate with CRM to identify current customers

  • Track LinkedIn for job changes

  • Enrich new company for ICP match

  • Identify new emails

  • Enrol into email sequence

  • Create cold calling task for human sales reps

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Contact New Senior Hires

  • Identify new senior hires

  • Enrich for updated valid email

  • Check CRM for duplicates

  • Update CRM with details

  • Enrol into an email sequence

Extract Intent from LinkedIn Posts

  • Track LinkedIn posts for keywords

  • Establish post relevance with GPT

  • Establish poster relevance with GPT

  • Identify company of poster

  • Filter for industry and size

  • Enrich poster for valid email

  • Send personalised email sequence

  • Send LinkedIn connection request

Why Side Kick's Workflows?

Why Side Kick's Workflows?

Why Side Kick's Workflows?

"Because your human team should not be doing mindnumbing, manual, repetitive tasks anymore.

Let them use all their headspace to focus on creative tasks instead.

Your opportunities will grow, sales cycles will reduce, contract values will increase and your overall team morale will be higher."

Founder at Side Kick

Automate what you can.

Automate what you can.

Automate what you can.

Block time to understand if Side Kick is right for you.

Block time to understand if Side Kick is right for you.

Block time to understand if Side Kick is right for you.